

The program is used to support the calculation of the heat load in rooms. In Audytor HL (OZC) designers can create 3D models of buildings and perform heat load calculations, and then apply results of their work designing heating systems.

它还允许在循环系统中选择恒温阀。该程序用于在住宅和公共建筑中的传统,串联,三通和歧管系统中的冷,热和循环水设施的图形辅助设计。 它还允许在循环系统中选择恒温阀。


The program is used to support graphic-aided design of new installations  of radiator and underfloor central heating. It also  supports the regulation of already existing installations (for example in buildings insulated) in residential and public buildings. The program also allows the design of pipe networks in ice water installations.

The Audytor SET program combines calculations of cold and hot water installation with circulation and central heating and cooling installations in one project.



The program is used for graphic-aided design of cold, hot and circulating water installations in traditional, serial, tee and manifold systems in residential and public buildings. It also allows the selection of thermostatic valves in circulation systems.

The program is used to support graphic-aided design of cooling installations. It also supports the regulation of already existing installations (for example in buildings insulated) in residential and public buildings.

计划在住宅和公共建筑中快速选择散热器和地板中央供暖。 它提供了审查所选设备的技术数据的能力。 该程序特别推荐用于快速选择用于其价值的设备。


Program performs quick selection of radiators and underfloor central heating in residential and public buildings. It gives the ability of reviewing the technical data of chosen equipment. The program is especially recommended for quick selection of equipment for the purpose of their valutation.

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